Welcome to GloballyRelaxed.com
Why helloooooooo there!, and let me say you are looking good today!
We aim to bring you
the best in chillout , lounge, relaxing dub, electronica and ambient, perfect for that after club or de-stressing time.
Please take
time to check out the 'Top 10' and if any of the tracks take your fancy you will find links to the websites where you can pick
up the Mp3's.
Now on Shoutcast, Winamp, Winmedia, Quicktime, Real-Player, and for your cell phone we are on Winamp and TuneInRadio
Also, dont let country internet restrictions stop you from viewing your favorite sites worldwide, check out IBVPN (banner
on right) with a special 'GloballyRelaxed.Com' rate :)
Thanks again.
Twitter: @GloballyRelaxed